"We were heading North, and, about thirty miles offshore, and saw this thing standing about four feet out of the water. So, I headed over towards it and took a look at it. At first, I thought it looked like a polar bear with its ruffles of hair. When we got right up alongside of it-and the water was crystal clear-there was just this column of this thing going at least forty feet and huge eyes. I had an old Newfoundlander as a mate and he said 'Do you see eyes on him?' Mouth and nose I have no recollection of at all, just those great big eyes. And the eyes seemed to open from top to bottom."
Captain Paul Sowerby, 1939
Он был вовсе не Горыныч,
А напротив - Водяной.
На закате его воды
Темной платиной сияли -
Невозможной красотой...
Сам же был он изумруден
И с густою синевой,
И с огромными очами,
И с кинжальными клыками.
Мы случайно повстречались.
И с тех пор на нем катаюсь,
В гриву пальцы погружая...
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