среда, 21 июля 2010 г.

Osage Indian Song "The Rising of the Buffalo Bull Men"

I rise, I rise,
I, whose tread makes the earth to rumble.

I rise, I rise,
I, who whips thighs there with strength.

I rise, I rise,

I, who whips his back with his tail when in rage.

I rise, I rise,
I, in whose humpted shoulder there is power.

I rise, I rise,
I, who shakes his mane when angered.

I rise, I rise,
I, whose horns are sharp and curved.

                                             (Eliade, Mircea, 1964  Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. Bollingen Series 76. New York: Pantheon, 1951)

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